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Same day refrigerated courier

Temperature controlled Delivery by Air and Road.


Cool Cargo chilled delivery services provide Cold Chain parcel delivery and Temperature Controlled delivery of frozen and chilled goods and frozen produce via road transport. Shipping (road reefers) temperature controlled vans, Lorries of food stuff, pharmaceuticals, and health care products via air freight and road freight service for food and health care companies. We offer global and European temperature controlled delivery from UK.


Temperature controlled Parcel Delivery


why not send small or large, fresh or frozen items, through our ambient courier network to Europe and worldwide, whilst still maintaining the cold chain.

Cool Cargo provides a dedicated chilled and Frozen parcel deliveries into Europe/ Worldwide.  With a range of tailored delivery solutions to meet your exact requirements and to meet strict deadlines.

Cool Cargo Courier service offer a dry ice/ Frozen ice pack /chilled solution. Products will be collected using cool cargo multi-temperature-controlled vehicles and then re-packed for shipment using dry ice, Frozen ice packs or chill packs and shipped via our ambient express, courier network to destination. Regular weekly shipping and can benefit from bespoke prices and discounts.



Temperature controlled Shipping by Air Cargo


Shipping by air Pharma, foodstuffs with major airlines allows Cool Cargo to offer our valued clients temperature-controlled shipping services thus allowing them to send urgent, time sensitive chilled Air cargo to needed locations worldwide. Do you require? Chilled air services. We can air freight frozen foods via our Must Ride Cool Cargo service. Our chilled air transport services can transport, move all types of temperature sensitive cargo from Uk call our customer services for more information to see how we can assist you with your temperature-controlled Shipping.



Temperature controlled Delivery by Road transport to Europe


Shipping Temperature-controlled goods to Europe, our regular temperature-controlled road transport network between United Kingdom and European cities allow you to transport all types of food stuffs and pharmaceutical to all major European cities.

Our European refrigerated, temperature controlled network allows you to take advantage of dedicated refrigerated lorry transportation and regular frozen, chilled consolidated freight, LTL temperature controlled road transport to Europe.


Temperature controlled delivery courier service London


Temperature Controlled, chilled courier company Cool Cargo can provide dedicated temperature controlled courier services from London Heathrow airport for movement of frozen, chilled and ambient cargo from Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted to your door within the UK or Europe for urgent temperature controlled cargo.


As chilled courier delivery service in London, we offer refrigerated courier service for refrigerated, chilled frozen cargo and can offer dedicated chilled, frozen transport for food and pharmaceuticals deliveries across the UK and into Europe from London Heathrow.


  • frozen, chilled, ambient and multi-temperature vehicles

  • single box consignments to full loads

  • same-day and emergency collections and deliveries

  • urgent orders

  • temperature critical pharmaceutical transport

  • safe and secure samples transport

  • high value load transport

  • market research and public relations event support

  • product recall, quality and technical support

  • Chilled Parcel delivery Service

  • Chilled Distribution

  • Cold Chain Delivery

  • Refrigerated delivery

  • Chilled delivery

  • Refrigeration Temperature controlled food delivery.

  • Chilled Delivery to Europe


Our fleet of temperature controlled vehicles range from small vans through to 7.5 tonne, 18 tonne and 26 tonne rigid vehicles, giving us the capability to carry anything from a single box through to 13000kg or 16 standard pallets of product.


Temperature controlled delivery Courier & Chilled Parcel Service : Tel 0845 270 7186


Refrigerated delivery, Refrigerated delivery, Chilled delivery, Refrigeration, Temperature controlled, Food delivery. Chilled Distribution West London, London, Heathrow.


Chilled distribution


Cool Cargo UK provides national chilled distribution and global refrigerated transport by air, road and sea of food distribution for exporters, food producers and distributors from our London Heathrow airport facility, delivering to retail stores, restaurants, depots locations within the UK.
We offer same day collection & delivery for chilled distribution for freshly prepared chilled sandwiches to frozen foods including ice cream, desserts. 

Refrigerated Storage

Cool cargo has chilled and frozen facilities at Heathrow for chilled & frozen storage for the purpose of storing quick moving lines. Chilled foods producers, seeking storage and chilled delivery services at or around the West London.


Afghanistan, Kabul,   Albania, Tirana,    Algeria, Algiers, Annaba, Constantine, Hassimessaod, Oran, Cabinda,   American Samoa,  Andorra,  Angola, Luanda,  Anguilla, Antartica,  Antigua and Barbuda,  Argentina, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza,  Armenia, Yerevan, Aruba,  Australia, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melboune, Norfolk Island, Perth, Sydney,  Austria, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz, Salzburg, Vienna,  Azerbaijan, Baku,  Bahamas, Freeport, Nassau,  Bahrain,  Bangladesh, Chittagong, Dhaka, Syhet,  Barbados, Bridgetown,  Belarus, Minsk,  Belgium, Antwerp, Brussels,  Belize, Belize City,  Benin, Cotonou,  Bermuda,  Bhutan,  Bolivia, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Sucre, Tarija,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo,  Botswana, Gaberone,  Bouvet Island,  Brazil, Belem, Belo Horizonte, Brazilia, Curtiba, Florianopois, Fortaleza, Guarulhos, Iguassu Falls, Manaus, Natal, Navegantes, Porto Allergre, Recife, Rio De Janerio, Salvador, Viracopus, Vitoria,  British Indian Ocean Territory,  British Virgin Islands,  Brunei Darussalam, Bandar Seri Begawan,  Bulgaria, Sofia,  Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou,  Burundi, Bujumbura,  Cambodia, Phnom Penh,  Cameroon, Douala, Garoua, Yaounde,  Canada, Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, Regina, Saskatoon, St Johns, Toronto, Vancouver,  Cape Verde, Ilha Do Sal,  Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman,  Central African Republic, Bangui,  Chad, Ndjamena,  Chile, Antofagusta, Arica, Balmaceda, Calama, Concepcion, Capiapo, Easter Island, El Salvador, Iquique,Osorno, Puerto Montt, Punta Arenas, Santiago De Chile, Temuco,  China, Beihai, Beijing, Changshun, Chengdu, Chong Qing, Dalian, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Guilin, Guiyang, Haikou, hangzouu, Harbin, Hefei, Hohhot, Jinan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Lhasa, Nanchang, Nanjing, Nanning, Ningbo, Quingda, Sanya, Shanghai, Shantou, Shengyang Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Tianjin, Urumqui, Wenzhou, Wuhan, Xiamen, Xian, Yantai, Zhengzou, Christmas Island,  Colombia, Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Pereira, Moroni,  Comoros, Moroni,  Congo, Brazzaville, Point Noire,  Congo, Democratic Republic of the, Lumbumbashi, Kinshasa,  Cook Islands, Raratonga,  Costa Rica,  San Jose,  Côte d'Ivoire, Abidjan,  Croatia, Bubrovnik, Pula, Split, Zadar, Zagreb,  Cuba, Havana,  Cyprus,  Larnaca, Paphos, Ercan,  Czech Republic, Ostrava, Prague,  Denmark, Billind, Copenhagen,   Djibouti, Dominica, Puerto Plata, Punta Cana,  Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo,  East Timor,  Ecuador, Guayaquil, Quito,  Egypt, Alexandria, Cairo,  El Salvador, San Salvador,   Equatorial Guinea, Malabo,  Eritrea, Asmara, Estonia, Tallin,  Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Falkland Islands, Mount Pleasant,  Faroe Islands, Fiji, Nadi,  Finland, Helsinki, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa, France, Paris, Lyon, Nice,  French Guiana, French Polynesia,  French Southern Territories,  Gabon, Libreville, Port Gentil,  Gambia, Banjul,  Georgia, Tbilisi,  Germany Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover,  Ghana, Accra,  Gibraltar,  Greece, Alexdroupolis, Athens, Chania, Corfu, Ionannia, Kalamata, Kavalla, Kefalonia, Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Greenland,  Grenada,  Guadeloupe, Pointe a Pitre, Guam,  Guatemala, Guatemala City,  Guinea, Conakary,  Guinea-Bissau, Bissau,  Guyana, George Town,  Haiti, Port Au Price,  Heard and McDonald Islands,  Honduras San Pedro Sula, Tegucgalpa,  Hong Kong,   Hungary, Budapest,  Iceland, Reykajvik  India, Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Bangalore, Calcutta, Chennai, Cochin, New Delhi, Goa, Madras, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Trivandrum,  Indonesia, Denpasar, Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya,  Iran, Tehran,  Iraq Baghdad,  Ireland, Dublin, Cork,  Israel, Tel Aviv,  Italy, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brindisi, Caglairi, Catania, Florence, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Rome, Turin, Venice,  Ivory Coast, Abidjan,  Jamaica, Kingston, Montego Bay,  Jan Mayen,  Japan, Aomori, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Okayama, Osaka, Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo,  Jordan, Amman,  Kazakhstan, Alamaty, Atyrau,  Kenya, Mombasa, Nairobi, Kiribati, Tarawa,  Kuwait,  Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek  Laos, Latvia, Riga,  Lebanon, Beirut,  Lesotho, Maseru,  Liberia, Monrovia,  Libya, Benghazi, Tripoli,  Liechtenstein,  Lithuania, Vilnius, Luxembourg,  Macau,  Macedonia, Ohrid, Skopje,  Madagascar, Antanarivo,  Malawi, Blantyre, Lilongwe,  Malaysia, Alore Setar, Bakalalan, Bario, Belaga, Bintulu, Ippoh, Johor, Barhu, Kota Bharu, Kota Kinabalu, Luala Lumpur, Kuantan, Kuching, Labuan, Lahad datu, Langkawi, Lawas, Limbang, Long Leelang, Miri, Mukah, Penang, Sandakan, Sibu, Tawau,  Maldives, Male,  Mali, Bamako,  Malta,  Marshall Islands,  Martinique, Fort De France,  Mauritania, Nouadhibou, Nouakchott,  Mauritius, Port Louis,  Mayetta,  Mexico, Acapulco, Cancun, Cuidad del Carmen, Guadadlajara, Merida, Mexico City Monterrey, Puerto Vallarta, Vera Cruz,  Micronesia, Federated States of,  Moldova, Kishinev, Monaco,  Mongolia, Ulanbator, Montserrat,  Morocco, Agadir, Casablanca, Fez, Laoyoune, Marrakesch, Oudja, Rabat, Tangiers,  Mozambique, Maputo,   Myanmar, Yangon,  Namibia, Windhoek, Nauru,  Nepal, Kathmandu,  Netherlands, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Rotterdam,  Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia,  New Zealand, Auckland, Blenheim, Christchurch, Dunedin, Gisborne, Invercargill, Napier, Nauru, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Rototua, Tauranga, Timaru, Wanganui, Wellington, whangarei,  Nicaragua, Managua,  Niger, Niamey,  Nigeria, Abuja, Kano, Lagos, Port Harcourt,  Norfolk Island,  North Korea, Cheju,  Northern Mariana Islands,  Norway, Oslo, Sandnessjoen, Sandefjord, Stavanger, Tromso, Trondheim,  Oman, Muscat, Salalah,  Pakistan, Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Palau, Palestinian Territory,  Panama, Panama City,  Papua New Guinea, Alotau, Goroka, Kavieng, Kieta, Port Morsesby, Rabaul,  Paraguay, Asuncion, Cuidad De Este,  Peru, Lima,  Philippines, Cebu, Manila, Pitcairn Islands,  Poland, Gdansk, Katowice, Karkow, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw,  Portugal, Faro, Funchal, Lisboa, Lisbon, Oporto,  Puerto Rico, San Juan,  Qatar, Doha,  Reunion, St Pierre,  Romania, Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi, Oradea, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Timisoara, Turgu Mures,  Russia, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov on Don, St Petersburg, Leningrad, Rwanda, Kigali,  Saint Helena,  Saint Kitts and Nevis,  Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon,  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa,   San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe,  Sao Tome,  Saudi Arabia, Damman, Jeddah, Riyadh,  Senegal, Dakar, Serbia and Montenegro, Belgarde, Pristina, Tivat,  Seychelles, Mahe,  Sierra Leone, FreeTown,  Singapore, Slovakia, Bratislava, Kosice, Slovenia, Ljubjana, Maribor, Solomon Islands, Honiara, Somalia, Magadishu,  South Africa, Capetown, Durban, East London, Johannesburg, Kimberley, Port Elizabeth, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands,   South Korea, Inchon, Pusan,  Spain, Alicante, Almeria, Barcelona, Bilboa, Gerona, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia, Reus, Seville, Valencia, Zaragoza,  Sri Lanka, Colombo,  Sudan, Khartoum, Suriname, Paramaribo, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Swaziland, Manzini,  Sweden, Gothenburg, Kalmar, Kiruna, Lulea, Malomo, Norrkoping, Stockholm, Umea, Vaxjo,  Switzerland,  Basle, Geneva, Lugano, Zurich,  Syria, Aleppo, Damascus,  Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taipei, Tajikistan,  Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam, Kilimanjaro,    Thailand, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Hat YAi, Phuket, Togo, Lome, Tonga, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Port of Spain. Tobago, Tunisia, Djerba, Monastir, Sfax, Tunis,  Turkey, Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Dalaman, Istanbul, Izmir, Turkmenistan, Ashkhabad, Turks and Caicos Islands, Grand Turk, Providenciales Tuvalu,  Uganda, Entebbe, Ukraine,  United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, Duabi, Fujairah, Sharjah, United Kingdom, London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow,  United States, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Uruguay, Montevideo, US Virgin Islands, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Vanuatu, Port Vila, Vatican City, Venezuela, Barcelona, Caracas, Maracaibo, Porlamar, Puerto Ordaz, Valencia,  Vietnam, Hanoi,Ho chi Minh City, Wallis and Futuna, Windard Islands,  Yemen, aden, Hodeidah, \riyan, Sanaa,  Zambia, Lusaka, Ndola,  Zimbabwe, Harare 

© 2016 -2024 Cool Cargo UK    ACW,     globalcoldchainnews, Temperature Controlled Courier Service, Refrigerated Samples, Frozen and Chilled foods, Chilled Courier Services, Pharmaceutical Courier, Pharmaceutical Logistics, Chilled Logistics Services, Clinical Trials Courier, Refrigerated Logistics, Refrigerated Transport,  Temperature Controlled UK & European Courier, Chilled Samples, Multi-temperature tracking Vans and HGV’s, Food Courier, speciality food , LCL Frozen Groupage

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